
       As for the maquettes, notably the celebrated sculpture studies that the artist donated to the Musée National d’Art Moderne in 1976, they occupy a special place in Chauvin’s production and, indeed, constitute the third pole of his universe.  These are small-scale models of future works that in many instances never came to fruition.  Made out of a ductile material, plaster or Plasticine™, they were surely created during the winter months at Malakoff and provide evidence of a monumental, sometimes fantastic, ambition.  Imagination reigns supreme in them and gives rise to novel couplings: The fragment of a breast or the curve of a torso combines with a staircase to produce, in miniature, a kind of visionary architecture.

Paul Louis Rinuy

National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris
National Museum of Modern Art Collection, Paris